Pastor and Leaders

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Pastor - James Easley

Pastor James Easley, wife Nikki, and children Hannah, David and Matthew.

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Music Minister (Interim) - Steve Miller

Welcome, Interim Music Minister Steve Miller and his sweet wife, Jodie!


Student Minister

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Steve Tinnin - Deacon

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Jerry Hill - Deacon

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Phil Milam - Deacon

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Jake Orcutt - Deacon

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Carl Clifton - Deacon

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Children's Director - Carolyn Robertson

Carolyn has a huge heart for children with her main focus being to help them to know the Lord and to grow in their walk with Him.  She and her husband Dan pour their lives into these children and God is greatly blessing their ministry here at EHBC.

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Financial Secretary - Linda Smith

In January of 2021, Linda began serving as EHBC's Financial Secretary.  She has such a sweet spirit - We are happy to have her onboard!  


Meal/Fellowship Ministries - Tabatha Champlain

Tabatha takes care of providing the meal for the church and visitors each Wednesday evening.  She also does an excellent job planning and preparing meals for special events.  We are grateful for her kindness, patience, and her heart for the Lord.

Women's Ministry Leader - Christi Kellogg